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Quick Reference Guide to 10-Mbps Media System

2.3 Putting it All Together

And there we have it: for a typical station connection the DTE (computer) contains an Ethernet interface which forms up and sends Ethernet frames that carry data between computers attached to the network. The Ethernet interface is attached to the media system using a set of equipment that can include an AUI (transceiver cable) and a MAU (transceiver) with its associated MDI (coaxial cable clamp, twisted-pair RJ45-style jack, etc.).

The MAU and MDI are specifically designed for each media type used in Ethernet. Coaxial MAUs differ from twisted-pair MAUs, for example, both in the technology used for the actual connection to the media (the MDI), as well as the method used for sending Ethernet signals over the media and for detecting collisions.

Quick Reference Guide to 10-Mbps Media System - 04 SEP 95
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